Hi Roberto, Hi Fab, Hi all :-)
I finally get it works !! Thanks for all your help for fixing my software quest.
Here how I proceeded :
- I first converted the .tap file to a wav file
- I tried then to play the wav file in my c64 datassette with a jack connected in a tape adaptor. No results ... The tape adapter seems to not deal with my datasette.
- I tried then to record the wav file on a tape. Hopefully my old tape player have an auxilliary rca input to record an external sound. It works like a champ !!!
- As I'm not fan of tapes format in general. I used my freeze frame cartridge to create a disk from the tape. It works perfectly but as the program is originally on tape, I cannot load and save the created files on disk... but I will save them on tape
I'm now able to use this hardware. I made a few test and I'm happy to say that it sounds really great for a 1985 hardware !
The disk version is still missing. In fact the hardware is provided with a tape version containing the software and a disk with a menu where it's possible u use an external piano keyboard (CMK49, Music64, or other compatible) So I still unable to use my external piano with it
I hope some day a sound buggy user will see my posts.
Thanks again for all your help. If you are intterested, I can post or send you some sample of what the hardware do.
It's always a pleasure to hear and help c64 fan. If I can help anyody here, you ar welcome