Autore Topic: Sound Buggy Software  (Letto 4229 volte)


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Sound Buggy Software
« il: 15 Marzo 2010, 20:27:39 »
 Hi all,

First, long life to all c64 enthousiast of this forum and sorry by advance to post in english but I'm not Italian :-)

I recently get my hand on a sound buggy hardware for my lovely c64. The problem is the original owner have lost the software. So I can't anything with it.

As the company how made the hardware (Siel) is italian, I'm looking for this software on your forum. I'm quite desperated with trying to finding it.

The only source that I've fould is here : Siel Sound Buggy

Unfortunately the d64 is corrupted and don't work :-(

Does anyone here is using this hardware and can make me a working d64 of the disk or tape?

Thank you so much for any help.

Still enjoy this fabulous 8 bit machine !


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Sound Buggy Software
« Risposta #1 il: 17 Marzo 2010, 11:42:44 »
Citazione da: "Sam64H"
the company how made the hardware (Siel) is italian

I doubt they still support such old products/Dubito che supportino ancora prodotti cosi' vecchi
Un giapponese sa recitare a memoria tutti i numeri di pi greco fino all'83431º decimale. Sa a memoria anche l'unico numero telefonico che è nella sua agendina - Daniele Luttazzi


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Sound Buggy Software
« Risposta #2 il: 17 Marzo 2010, 20:35:19 »
 Una copia del software per la Sound Buggy dovrebbe trovarsi sul numero 11 di 7 note bit.

Lo trovi qui:
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Sound Buggy Software
« Risposta #3 il: 17 Marzo 2010, 20:38:09 »
 Hi Fab,

Sure it's not longer supported after 25 years :) I have sent them a mail. I don't excpect any response as I don't think people ho works there nowadays have ever heared about this interface or a c64 lol But we will see if I get something from them.

Thanks for your help and the link ;)

What's strange is that I cannot found someone here how get the hand on this hardware. The company is italian but nobody seems to know about this thing  :huh:  


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Sound Buggy Software
« Risposta #4 il: 17 Marzo 2010, 20:44:25 »
 Hi Roberto,

Thank you so much for the link :-) I will try and tell you if it works.



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Sound Buggy Software
« Risposta #5 il: 17 Marzo 2010, 23:04:47 »
 Hi again,

I didn't find a ay to deal with the tap files. How can I convert it easily to a d64 or other simple fomat ?

Thanks again :)


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Sound Buggy Software
« Risposta #6 il: 17 Marzo 2010, 23:37:54 »
 Which format is simple and which format is not?

It is simple to record a .tap file to a tape. Google for it
Un giapponese sa recitare a memoria tutti i numeri di pi greco fino all'83431º decimale. Sa a memoria anche l'unico numero telefonico che è nella sua agendina - Daniele Luttazzi


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Sound Buggy Software
« Risposta #7 il: 18 Marzo 2010, 20:55:12 »
 Hi Roberto, Hi Fab, Hi all :-)

I finally get it works !! Thanks for all your help for fixing my software quest.

Here how I proceeded :

- I first converted the .tap file to a wav file

- I tried then to play the wav file in my c64 datassette with a jack connected in a tape adaptor. No results ... The tape adapter seems to not deal with my datasette.

- I tried then to record the wav file on a tape. Hopefully my old tape player have an auxilliary rca input to record an external sound. It works like a champ !!!

- As I'm not fan of tapes format in general. I used my freeze frame cartridge to create a disk from the tape. It works perfectly but as the program is originally on tape, I cannot load and save the created files on disk... but I will save them on tape :)

I'm now able to use this hardware. I made a few test and I'm happy to say that it sounds really great for a 1985 hardware !

The disk version is still missing. In fact the hardware is provided with a tape version containing the software and a disk with a menu where it's possible u use an external piano keyboard (CMK49, Music64, or other compatible) So I still unable to use my external piano with it :( I hope some day a sound buggy user will see my posts.

Thanks again for all your help. If you are intterested, I can post or send you some sample of what the hardware do.

It's always a pleasure to hear and help c64 fan. If I can help anyody here, you ar welcome  ;)



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Sound Buggy Software
« Risposta #8 il: 18 Agosto 2010, 12:57:33 »
 Salve, mi chiamo Gio è sono di Roma, anchio sono un'appassionato di musica con il CBM64 fin da quando l'acquistai. h9o diverse periferiche Hardware fra cui la tastiera CMK49 e la Sound Buggy, ma non ho il software, ho diverse immagini ma non sò dove partire!? vorrei poter mettermi in contatto con quel'utente che dice di essere riuscito a fare una copia funzionante del software della Siel e ho l'enciclopedia completa della Jackson sette note bit, tra cui era la siel che sponsorizava il prodotto.

Saluti, Gio :)


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Sound Buggy Software
« Risposta #9 il: 12 Novembre 2010, 14:22:52 »
 If you need it, i have a SIEL SOUND BUGGY disk backup (and i mean my commodore 64 floppy disk backup of the tape included in the bundle).

Se qualcuno non ne viene fuori col SIEL SOUND BUGGY, ho una copia del disco (la versione cassetta, copiata di backup su floppy per il commodore).
1974, commodore addict since 1984, programmed and played until 1991.
now, musician and esoterist of all things analog.


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Sound Buggy Software
« Risposta #10 il: 12 Novembre 2010, 16:20:00 »
 Interessante!! Dove è possibile reperirla?


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Sound Buggy Software
« Risposta #11 il: 13 Novembre 2010, 08:43:47 »
Citazione da: "Sam64H"
So I still unable to use my external piano with it :(
Hi again.. erm i used my standard midi keyboard with the Sound Buggy just yesterday! All you need is:

-Standard Midi Cartridge (mine is a german one, labelled "64er Midi Standard Interface),
-Midi cable,
and obviously the Sound Buggy tape.
You do not need any disk to run this properly, pal.

By the way, has anybody EVER seen or runned any SB disk?!?!

Per usare una tastiera midi standard esterna con il Sound Buggy non è vero che serve il disco (tra l'altro, qualcuno l'ha mai fatto girare sto benedetto disco?!?!): basta il programma della cassetta (che io ho copiato per sicurezza su floppy visto che ci impiega anche meno a caricare =108 giri di datassette..ho letto l'introduzione di un libro su Diderot!=), un cavo standard midi, una cartuccia midi (io ne uso una che si chiama 64er Midi Standard Interface), una tastiera midi.
1974, commodore addict since 1984, programmed and played until 1991.
now, musician and esoterist of all things analog.