Ultima 3 Gold, e' possibile scaricarlo al seguente indirizzo:
Ultima IV Gold ecco anche il III capitolo. Magervalp ci rivela anche inquietanti dettagli sulla fattura tecnica del titolo:
Ultima III - Exodus
Cracked, trained and enchanced by MagerValp
Released at BFP 2007
Music by Zabutom
Here's Ultima III for all you RPG lovers. It's not quite as ambitious as Ultima IV Gold, but this one wasn't four years in the making... I did in fact finish cracking it last year, but I didn't find the time to fix all the trainers, smash the last few bugs, and put an intro on it until now. U3 is one of the worst pieces of C64 code I've ever seen. The port, if you can call it that, is downright horrible. For example the graphics data was stored in Apple II format in RAM, and converted on the fly when blitting tiles and characters, making the game pathetically slow. The amazingly slow disk system also does a bunch of unnecessary saves of the world map, which I removed by caching it in RAM under the kernal. This version should be a lot more playable, and I threw in a couple of extra features for good measure. Anyway, it's getting close to compo time, and I need to help Frantic set up the voting system.
Love to all, MV.