Gamebase Database V4.0 Online!Keen eyed visitors of the site may have noticed that 2 days ago our online database has been updated to version 4.0!V4 contains 18800 entries, 1350 more than our V3 which went online on May 2005, and of course many of the previous game entries have been updated with better versions. You will also note that all game screenshots of GB V4 have been converted to PNG format instead of the previous GIFs.Note however, that the new database is not offered for download yet as we are having some problems with the new installer.Keep watching this space for an announcement as soon as the downloadable version is complete, hopefully sometime next month...Posted: 16 Jul 2006 by Dimitris Kiminas.
Keep watching this space for an announcement as soon as the downloadable version is complete, hopefully sometime next month...
la versione completa scaricabile sarà disponibile forse il prossimo mese
spero inoltre che lo abbiano migliorato un pò come rilascio di aggiornamenti...stile una funzione di auto-update....vedremo
Poco male, tanto e' tutto online, quando serve qualcosa si scarica.
l'ideale sarebbe ci fosse una versione TORRENTIZZATA del GameBase
che male c'è a pubblicarlo direttamente sul sito del GAMEBASE?
Ragazzi, scusate se svio un pò, ma sto cercando il GambaseAMY v 1.0c (credo sia l'ultima realese) .... n'è cche quarcuno mi aiuta in pvc?? biggrin.gif hail.gif
Lemonade è un frontend realizzato da Lemonamiga e non una distribuzione di frontend+games (anche se separatamente) come avviene per il GAMEBASE, poi magari mi sbaglierò ci nazzico spesso da quelle parti
Some more info for the new additions to V4:New Games Added============223 Listed without program1180 Listed with program262 Original Disks283 Original Tapes8 Original CartridgesNew Extras========36 Advertisements, 15 Bookcovers, 2 Codewheels, 1 Control Summary, 412 Covers, 124 Docs, 103 Listings, 103 Magazine Covers, 6 Manuals, 15 Maps, and more!Game Changes==========58 v3 games now with program279 v3 games now with sidCredit Changes==========309 games with changed musicians266 games with changed programmer274 games with changed publisher354 games with changed yearAnd for those who asked, the number of CDs remains 4...