Signori, questo è il mio primo programmino in assembler per il nostro beneamato computer; di mio c'è ben poco, il 99% del codice è stato rubato e da vari altri sorgenti.
Al momento non fa che generare una scritta scorrevole con il bordo che flasha, volevo sapere se si può far apparire un'immagine mente la scritta scrolla
.byte $0b
.byte $08; link alla prossima riga Basic (inesistente)
.byte $0a
.byte $00; numero riga Basic ($000a = 10)
.byte $9e; codice SYS ($9e = 158)
.byte $32
.byte $30
.byte $36
.byte $34; indirizzo di partenza = 2064 ($0810)
; A label, used for counting frames and setting smooth scroll.
scroll_pos = $0340
; Set assembly point - $0900 (2304) for the program.
* = $0810
; Switch off the system interrupts ('cos this is runtime code).
; Clear the screen RAM and set the colour map.
ldx #$00
screen_clear lda #$20
sta $0400,x
sta $0500,x
sta $0600,x
sta $06e8,x
lda #$01
sta $d800,x
sta $d900,x
sta $da00,x
sta $dae8,x
bne screen_clear
; Reset the scrolltext to the start.
jsr reset_scroll
; The main loop - first wait for the raster to reach $FC.
main_loop inc $D020; <-- This Flash border
lda #$fc
cmp $d012
bne main_loop
; Little timer to make sure it only happens once a frame...
ldx #$10
delay dex
bne delay
; Rea d scroll_pos, add one and if it gets to 4 it's time to move.
ldx scroll_pos
cpx #$04
bne scroll_pos_xb
; Move the data for the scroller.
ldx #$00
move_scroll lda $0401,x
sta $0400,x
cpx #$27
bne move_scroll
; Read the next character and if it's $00 reset the scroller.
read_scroll lda $1000
bne ok
jsr reset_scroll
jmp read_scroll
; Write the character to the screen at the right.
ok sta $0427
; Add one to the position in the text.
inc read_scroll+$01
bne no_highbyte
inc read_scroll+$02
; Put a 0 into the X so that it resets scroll_pos
no_highbyte ldx #$00
; Write back to scroll_pos - if it wasn't 4 this is where we branched to.
scroll_pos_xb stx scroll_pos
; This is a "sneaky" bit to get the $D016 value - transfer the X to
; the A, multiply by two with an ASL and exclusive OR by 7 to reverse
; the value before writing to $D016.,
eor #$07
sta $d016
; Finally, back to the main loop.
jmp main_loop
; This subroutine resets the scroller to $1000.
reset_scroll lda #$00
sta read_scroll+$01
lda #$10
sta read_scroll+$02
; Change assembly point to $1000 (4096)
; And here's the scrolltext.
message .scrl "this is my 1st c64 asm program... it's only a simple scrolling text, without music, withou graphic, only text !!! -hiryu *** "
.byte $00