Autore Topic: Commodore One: Pronto Il C64 Pal Core  (Letto 3077 volte)

iAN CooG

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Commodore One: Pronto Il C64 Pal Core
« il: 26 Settembre 2006, 21:36:06 »
 Questo dovrebbe creare nuovo interesse verso questo pc "emulatore", che finalmente si stacca dall'annoso e ridicolo ruolo di "Amstrad CPC ONLY" emulator - nemmeno il core C64 NTSC era perfettamente usabile - e finalmente rendere giustizia al nome che porta :D
C-One PAL C64 core leaves α + first 1541 emulation   13:11
Peter Wendrich has published the first C64 PAL core that is not considered to be alpha any more. The CPU registers $0000 and $0001 are fixed now, CIA timers are fixed (including TOD registers), the IRQ/NMI timing was too fast under certain circumstances (fixed), and the VIC--CPU timing has been improved so even the sideborders can be opened now. Peter is now accepting bugreports under the eMail address mentioned in the readme file.
Tobias Gubener has released a new system flash that can now emulate a 1541 drive. The 1k30 FPGA can be fed with a new rom file containing the drive emulation code. Every core that uses the IEC port can make use of the emulation, including Jeri’s buggy NTSC core, Peter’s PAL/NTSC core and Tobias’ VIC-20 core. Just hit F8 to get to choose the D64/PRG file, change the device address (default: 9), or deactivate the emulation. Many thanks must to Tobias, the recent updates are giving another impressive demonstration of the true power of re-configurable computing.

Download the new system flash and the new C64 core including sources from the official C-One homepage
/me immagina le frotte di maniaci dell'HW che vanno a prenotarne uno...
-=[]=--- iAN CooG/HVSC^C64Intros ---=[]=-
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