Autore Topic: Pocket Commodore 64  (Letto 4382 volte)


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Pocket Commodore 64
« il: 09 Giugno 2008, 21:51:38 »
 E' disponibile una nuova versione dell'emulatore Pocket Commodore 64 per palmari.

Improved C64 core engine, Vic 20 Support and much much more. Officially endorsed. BIOS roms included!

* A completely re-written new core and interface.
* VIC20 built in with a single toggle button.
* Interface has three modes (large, minimal, and hidden) as well as full landscape rotation for all 3 modes on ALL platforms.
* Intelligent autoloader automatically detects known bad game images and informs the user. It also automatically adjusts settings (NTSC, PAL, etc) for known issues.
* Complete user control over CPU frequency, disk frequency, vertical frame rate, border sizes, etc.
* Quick save and quick load
* Cartridge support now supports most mappings up to 1Meg (Terminator 2, Robocop 2 & 3, Navy Seals…)
* Remote gaming over TCP/IP. Any two devices or computers can connect over wired or wireless network. This feature can be used as a remote viewer for the C64 emulator as well.
* Cool feature: Remote mode can be used to allow the user to run C64 on their PC with the PocketPC as a wireless joystick
* Runs on all Windows handhelds from WinCE, PocketPC, Windows Mobile, Smartphone, etc.
* Win32 version supports Win98 through Vista, including dual monitor and multiple instances.
* No memory leaks at all – very minimal memory usage.