Beh, che dire, a volte ritornano... e questo è sicuramente un lieto ritorno.
Ecco cosa mi sono perso a non frequentare più il forum così spesso!!!
Appena scaricato comunque, adesso so come impegnerò un pezzo di questo fine settimana 
P.S. avresti mica voglia/tempo/modo di elencare le novità della versione come facesti per la 1.4? Grazie mille
E io che frequento ancora di meno, quasi rischiavo di rispondere al tuo post tra qualche millennio...
Per rispondere alla tua domanda, mi permetti un copia&incolla?

While developing
MAH I have improved the framework that QUOD INIT EXIT is built upon as well, so I decided to recompile this game. And I got carried away a little bit...
1. Added toilet paper roll gameplay feature.
2. Added speeds 3, 5, 7 to food.
3. Recalibrated hunger parameters and score decay.
4. Added morning and afternoon day phases.
5. Improved graphics of the other day phases.
6. Improved Zampo's run animation by adding a frame and touching up another one.
7. Improved graphical design of platforms.
8. Updated HUD.
9. Added keyboard support ([W/A/S/D] + [SPACE]).
10. Changed jump control from [FIRE] to [UP].
11. Changed fartro control from [DOWN] to [FIRE].
12. Changed abort key from [RUN/STOP] to [F7].
13. Added pause (activate with [F1] key, exit with [FIRE] or [SPACE]).
14. Made intro and ending a trifle fancier.
15. Optimized.
16. Onefiled.
Zampo will refuse to take the last piece of food / drink if it has not caught the roll first.
There are about 11 kB free for code/data and 2.5 kB for graphics, so, who knows, maybe the game will be expanded again in the future (no promises, though).